Sunday, September 1, 2024

MAM #6 Winner & Top Picks

Hey everybody and welcome back to Mini Album Mania! Thanks to everyone who played in our last challenge! We totally loved seeing your mini album projects and really appreciate your support of our challenge! We loved ALL the entries and therefore have chosen all as top picks!

And our TOP PICKS are
#1 Carole J
#2 pinky
#3 pinky
#4 pinky
#5 pinky
#6 Carole J
#7 Carole J
#8 pinky

Congratulations, everyone! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

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As mentioned previously, our July/August challenge was the last Mini Album Mania challenge. We really wish participation would have been better but totally understand that mini albums take more thought, planning and time. 

Thanks again to our design team and the participants who supported our challenges! Best wishes to you all!

The Mini Girls

1 comment:

pinky said...

I only found your challenge recently and am so sad to see you closing! Thanks so much for the inspiration!!