Monday, July 1, 2024

MAM #6 Any Type of Mini Album Goes + MAM #5 Winner & Top Picks

Hey everybody and welcome back to Mini Album Mania! Thanks to everyone who played in our last challenge! We totally loved seeing your mini album projects and really appreciate your support of our challenge! So now let's announce our winner and top picks!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is
#2 Carole J

And our TOP PICKS are
#1 Carole J

Congratulations! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

Unfortunately, there were several additional entries in the gallery that would have been eligible for winner and/or top pick honors but they linked to our whole blog in their blog post rather than linking to our challenge as noted in our Playing Guidelines. 

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Our participation rate is still pretty low after six challenges so this will be our last challenge. I will be back on September 1st to announce the winner/top picks for this challenge and then the blog will close permamently. Many thanks to our design team and the few participants who have shown their support! We appreciate you! 

Our theme is always 'Any Type of Mini Album Goes' and we have some FABulous inspiration for you...

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so dig into your stash and make a mini album with us! 

The Mini Girls

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

MAM #5 Any Type of Mini Album Goes + MAM #4 Winner & Top Picks

Hey everybody and welcome back to Mini Album Mania! Thanks to everyone who played in our last challenge! We totally loved seeing your mini album projects and really appreciate your support of our challenge! So now let's announce our winner and top picks!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is
#3 Carole J

And our TOP PICKS are
#1 Carole J
#4 ScrappyHorses

Congratulations, everyone! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

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Our theme is always 'Any Type of Mini Album Goes' and we have some FABulous inspiration for you...

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so dig into your stash and make a mini album with us! 

The Mini Girls

Friday, March 1, 2024

MAM #4 Any Type of Mini Album Goes + MAM #3 Winner & Top Picks

Hey everybody and welcome back to Mini Album Mania! Thanks to everyone who played in our last challenge! We totally loved seeing your mini album projects and really appreciate your support of our challenge! So now let's announce our winner and top picks!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is
#1 Carole J

And our TOP PICKS are
#3 Zowie
#6 Carole J

Congratulations, everyone! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

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Our theme is always 'Any Type of Mini Album Goes' and we have some FABulous inspiration for you...

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so dig into your stash and make a mini album with us! 

The Mini Girls

Monday, January 1, 2024

MAM #3 Any Type of Mini Album Goes + MAM #2 Winner & Top Picks

Hey everybody and welcome back to Mini Album Mania! Happy New Year! Thanks to everyone who played in our last challenge! We totally loved seeing your mini album projects and really appreciate your support of our challenge! So now let's announce our winner and top picks!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is
#4 lisa jung

And our TOP PICKS are
#2 Carrie Ann Sheridan
#3 Fiona Whitehead

Congratulations, everyone! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

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Our theme is always 'Any Type of Mini Album Goes' and we have some FABulous inspiration for you...

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so dig into your stash and make a mini album with us! 

The Mini Girls

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

MAM #2 Any Type of Mini Album Goes + MAM #1 Winner & Top Picks

Hey everybody and welcome back to Mini Album Mania! Thanks to everyone who played in our very first challenge! We totally loved seeing your mini album projects and really appreciate your support! So now let's announce our winner and top picks!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is
#4 Becca S

And our TOP PICKS are
#1 Carol Gill
#2 kraftyjean
#3 Helen Hollinger
#5 Rosi

We had five entries and everyone gets a badge! Congratulations! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

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Our theme is always 'Any Type of Mini Album Goes' and we have some FABulous inspiration for you...

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so dig into your stash and make a mini album with us! 

The Mini Girls

Friday, September 1, 2023

MAM #1 Any Type of Mini Album Goes

Hey everybody and welcome to our debut challenge at Mini Album Mania! Woo-hoo! We are so glad you're here and excited to see your mini album projects! Thank you so much for your support of our challenge!

First things first: A huge welcome to our brand new design team! Click their names on the right sidebar to visit their blogs and check out their art - you're going to love what you see! And we do still have some openings on this new team, so if you have tons of photos that need to be put into mini albums, this team is definitely for you! Shoot us an email at ltscb at mail dot com (not gmail, just mail) and we'll be in touch with more details!

Our theme is always 'Any Type of Mini Album Goes' and we have some FABulous inspiration for you...

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so dig into your stash and make a mini album with us! 

The Mini Girls

Saturday, July 1, 2023

New Challenge Blog & Design Team Call!

Hey everybody! I'm delighted to announce a NEW challenge blog coming to town on September 1, 2023! Mini Album Mania is a mini album challenge blog welcoming all types of handmade mini albums. The size should be no more than 6" on any side, must have at least three pages (the more the merrier) and must be embellished and decorated. Photos are optional. They can have any kind of binding such as rings, wire, ribbon, staples, glued tabs, etc. Or accordion or flap type with no binding. Just remember they must have at least three pages. No blank undecorated albums. 

In line with my other challenge blogs, we'll host six challenges per year and each challenge lasts approximately six weeks. All challenges are family-friendly 'any type of mini album goes.' Challenges will go live at 4:00 AM Mountain Time on the 1st day of each odd month and run until 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th day of the following month. More info is available HEREI'm still working on the site so it's not totally complete, but feel free to poke around! Grab our badge to spread the mini love, and be sure to Follow us! ;)

Now, with a new challenge blog comes a design team call! Designers would be required to create one mini album project every other month, have a blog to share your DT inspiration projects, take good photos and comment on one number. I'm also looking for an avid mini album maker to take on the blog co-owner role. 

If this sounds like a team you'd be interested in, shoot an email to ltscb at mail dot com (not gmail, just mail) with 'Mini Album Mania DT' in the subject line, your blog URL and whether you'd like to be considered for the co-owner role. I'd love to hear from you!

Grab our blog badge to help spread the mini love!

Your Mini girl,